Moulaged Patient/ Trauma Buddy For ATLS Protocol

Verve Medi Simuhub
Verve Medi Simuhub
Verve Medi Simuhub
Verve Medi Simuhub

Leading Manufacturer of Silicone CPR Training With Pulse & Respiration, Perimortem C Section Trainer, Central Venous Line Trainer, Land Mark Central Line Trainer, Intubation Trainer and Resuscitative Thoracotomy Trainer from Gurugram.

Model TypeWorking Model
Usage/ApplicationMedical Training
    1. Spontaneous chest rise indicating breathing, Breath sounds, RR Variability.
    2. Head with hidden head injury.
    3. Right pupil dilated fixed.
    4. Right side chest abrasion. Lest sided bullet(GSW) /stab injury scenario
    5. Multiple rib fractures on right side on pressing # rib patient groans.
    6. Distended right jugular vein, Right Tension Pneumothorax .. Right chest movement restricted
    7. On needle decompression. (procedure available.)  Equal chest rise
    8. Two pulsations
    a. Right Femoral
    b. Left DPA (palpate before applying splint)
    c.  IO Access Right leg (difficult vascular access scenario, Failed peripheral cannulation… collapsing patient)
    9. Urethral bleeding (hidden injury) no catheterisation scenario.
    10. Fractural Left thigh with catastrophic bleed for CATT Tourniquette application. (STOP THE BLEED)
    11. B/L greater trochanter for pelvic binder application
    12. Back injury (hidden injury) on log roll.
    13. ISO /NSIC Certified.